• Making sure
Most home pregnancy tests can accurately detect  pregnancy in the week after your period is normally due, which is two weeks after you ovulate. If test shows negative or a slightly positive result , wait another few days to a week and try again, that is if you haven't gotten your period. When you feel adequate time have pass just go see a doctor and get a blood test, it will defiantely confirm or deny the home tests. 
  • Make sure you are taking your prenatal vitamins 
If you haven't started taking those vitamins, now is the time to start. It is critical to get enough folic acid  while trying to conceive and during your first trimester. Folic Acid immensely reduces your baby from developing neural tube birth defects such as spina bifida
Investigate the cost of your prenatal care, labor and deliveryIf you have insurance, know what the plan covers, prenatal care, delivery cost and as well as care for your new baby. If you don't have insurance, now is the time to start saving. 

  • Choosing a care provider
If you already have a care provider you loves who care for pregnant women and delivers babies that awesome. If not, you need to do some homework. Talk to friends and relatives, ask one of you healthcare providers to recommend someone,  or check out the preferred providers under your health insurance plan, or simple search the web. Make and show up at your prenatal appointments many doctors and midwives wont see you until you're eight (8) weeks pregnant, but you'll want to get on their calender well before this since appointments can fill up fast. 
To prepare, jot down the first day of your last period so your doctor can determine your due date and start making a list of any questions that arise. Talk to relatives on both sided about your family's medical histories, because this is rather critical on what to expect. YOur doctor will want to know whether any chronic conditions or genetic abnormalities run in both families. 
  • Consult doctors on medications to take and not to take 

  • Stop drinking alcohol 
As little as one drink a day can raise the odd of low birth weight, and putting your child's risk with learning, speech, attention span, language and hyperactivity problems. 

  • Lower the intake of caffeine 
Consuming too much can cause miscarriage, and other problems(google it) 

  • Safe exercise routines 
Consult doctor on what not to do, that may posses as hazardous to you and your developing baby. 

  • Avoid eating raw foods
Mostly contains bateria, parasites and toxins.

  • Stock the kitchen with healthy foods 
Eat more vegetables, fruits and drink lots of water

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