Sunday, February 16, 2014


The mirror of your reflection is vague and imperfect. What you see does not reflect, what is inside. No more will you stand by and watch other depicted version of you tarnish and belittled your true character. Upward, onward and beyond as you strive to excel beyond the depicted mirror.


Move the time as come
Don't let the facts of life shackle you down 
Even when no one sees the potential you have
Get up, Move and show them that they are wrong

You have sit back too long 
Your life is in your hands for the taking
Draw nigh to the things that motivates you

Lets get off the negative thoughts, even those painful ones from love ones
Stand firm like a shield in the Gideon battle
No more defense mechanism to tackle

Now the platforms have been erected
It's no time to compromise
Don't give up, Don't give up the fight
Move, stress out can't even cope
It don't worth it in this life

Move take a stand
