What is the meaning some may ask?
Why must we be baffled with this task?
Problems, heart ache, chastisement and condemnation
Lets join hands together and appreciate God's creation
My gosh, the cause of life is getting too high
I have to pause a minute and sigh....
I wonder why, these criminals have so many ally
We go through milestones and set backs to glance at life's reality
but we fail to appreciate psychology and to abrade rape brutality
We slip, face bruise, but it have not given us the muse
to grasped at life's reality that taunt us in our daily cruise
Let us speak and make our voices clear
and ease up off the beer, and reach out to our Jamaican people this year
It's a warning to everybody, a warning from a above
We are blessed, but we are showing no kind of love
Free our emotions and let them fly like a dove
Mr. / Ms. politician
What is your mission?
Because we are tired of the continuous rendition
If you all fail to address and adjust, the country would be swam with mortician
and that will most definitely damage your position
Stop finding people to blame
Because life is not a chess game
My gosh I'm ashamed
So beautiful life is, we should acknowledge that we are way beyond bless
and try not to compress our hidden emotion under stress
Education is the key
Why isn't it free? I beg This is my plea
We are still trapped and enslave mentally
Why should we still make it seem accidentally
When it is embedded socially
Take it one day at a time
and stop the crime
People drop the guns and knives
Make a switch in the ignition, change the condition and stop following tradition
COMMENT AND SHARE....................
Alicia Henry