Friday, April 22, 2016

Our past a mystery - Black and proud

We have been betray by history
And our own past seems as mystery
The history we come to know have been false and incorrect, but yet still we hold on to it as our savior, our white redeemer
Widely come to be our greatest deceiver
We owe no one a code of apology 
it have been wavier through centuries of proselytizing chronology

Acknowledging the truth and embodying our rights to know our past and to take our stance in society.

Everyday is a learning progress, lets not discourage ourselves are get discouraged by no one.
Let the hatred for our own kind be undone and unite as one

Subjected to classification about inferiority, should not be on our journey into the future  
Lets dress ourselves with the knowledge of our fore-fathers, but always keeping a sense of humor

We are black and proud
